Took VIT-A supplements in pregnancy. Should I terminate?

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hi ..i am a 31 years old female that recently found out that i am pregnant, although i have taken the morning after pill last month it still did not stop me from getting pregnant
i have been taking a lot of supplements due to a hair-loss problem and when i went to the GP she told me i should terminate this pregnancy because of the amount of vit A in these supplements
now i tried to google and read about it online but could not understand or decide if what i was taking was high enough to cause harm

i took the following:
1. Revenol : betacarotene (6mg) .... 2 pills
2. Orachel : Vitamin A (retinyl acetate 172mcg) 150mcgRE
Betacarotene (1.2mg).... 2pills
3. C-pil : Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate 219mcg) 113mcgRE... 2pills

please help

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
Well, betacarotene is not harmful to the fetus.
The other two components - retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate, are associated with adverse effects in the fetus - but the minimum dose required for that has not been studied.
Yes, your baby is at risk of having congenital defects due to this unintentional exposure to Vitamin A.
It is a risk not an absolute thing.
The decision to continue the pregnancy or not, is your own, it is a personal choice.
You would continue having known those risks of having a baby with some defects.
If you wish to be a 100 % sure, then termination is the only option.
You should have been advised to use reliable contraception whilst taking the Vitamin A derivatives.
You might have a personal consultation with a Fetal Medicine Expert, to assess your individual risk.
Also, if you continue the pregnancy, please take 5 mg per day folic acid daily.
Have regular ultrasound scans as advised, and genetic testing at various stages of pregnancy.
It is a must to keep a Fetal Medicine Expert in the loop in addition to your regular obstetrician.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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