Tonsillitis and STDs

Resolved question:

Dear doctor I am suffering from tonsillities and it is from the last 3 weeks ,is there any std list present,what should I do to get prevent?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern ,as you are suffering from tonsillities it is caused due to inflammation of taunsils which is caused by viral or either by bacterial infection.For this it is really important to know the cause of tonsillitis before you go for the treatment.I suggest you to see your nearest doctor for the treatment of your throat and to check for the streptococcal infection that need to be out. Treatment is suggested because to get the confirmation for the genital wart pictures whose possibility can be their. It is a disease which comes and goes but there is a time duration for them to go but looking into your case as your tonsillitis has crossed 3 weeks then according to me I would suggest you to take antibiotics medicine atleast for 10 days.Antibiotics are suggested because while you are taking them they reduce the chances of infection that can come in future. There are some more methods you can take for your prevention like adequate fluid intake,warm fluid ,and lozenges . Taking this prevention can cure you with symptoms and will give you relaxation. But I would suggest you to see your nearest doctor in person and get your self test.Take care

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