Tiredness and lack of energy

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Hello and thank you for your time.
For many years now I have been extremely tired. I used to fall asleep during highschool, lacked energy, received several comments about how tired I look, and basically did not have the energy for social interaction.
As far as I can recall I have had the recommended sleep of 8 hours, but I have tried 10, 12, 7, 6..But nothing makes the difference.
I rely on coffee do get me through the day, but it does not have much effect due to my tolerance towards it.
I will try to provide as much information as possible to assist you.
I did not eat healthy at all. (I say did not because I have changed my diet with no change in tiredness).
I have asthma, G.O.R.D, my eyes water all day and are itchy (Allergy pills do not work).
I have had several nose operations over my time because I have a bent septum (if that is what you call it) So I have slight difficulty breathing through my nose.
I asked my wife and she says that I sometimes snore, although I have not seen a doctor about this.
I am currently overweight for my height but I am a solid build, I workout 5-6 times a week which used to counteract my unhealthy eating but now I am losing weight (2.5kg in first week).
I have tried quitting caffine for over 3 months but just felt worse.

From many search engine searches I have done looking for answers, I have come across some possible solutions.
Depression, sleep apnea, chronic fatigue, diet(Has not changed with new diet).

I have been taking a workout pre-trainer called Thermojet before going to the gym. Apart from the added energy boost I get a strong sensation of happiness. It gives me confidence to talk to people and I think to myself "Why can't I always feel like this". I am not sure if I am happy because I am not tired or there is another cause.

I don't have the confidence to consult my local doctor because I feel that they just think I am worrying over nothing. It would be nice to go to a doctor with a possible cause.

Any help is appreciated.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

I understand your concern. It can be really frustrating to be tired all the time. I am positive that this can be well addressed. First of all I will require some additional information from you.

You can reply as a followup :

1. May I know your weight, height
2. Would you say you have rather a thick neck ? (the circumference )
Do you snore loudly (louder than talking or loud enough to be heard
through closed doors)?

Has anyone observed you stop breathing during your sleep?

5. Do you fall asleep easily in the day time (post lunch, during work etc)
6. Do feel breathlessness on exertion ?
7. Ever had a annual blood checkup, as a part of annual physical or something ?
8. Are you sexually active, if so any erectile dysfunction / lack of interest ?

You can reply as a followup
Thank you

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