Time taken by COCHICINE to work for GOUT.

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Resolved question:
i got gout for the first time iam 69yrs old my doctor put me colohinie med .6 once a day how long before starts to work plus changed my eating habits

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Rheumatologist

Expert:  Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
Colchicine is extremely effective and starts working almost instantaneously after consumption of the drug. He has put you on a low dose, and it works well to control isolated gout episodes. The dose may be adjusted according to the response. How many gout attacks did you get before the diagnosis? Also, how was it diagnosed? What was your uric acid level?
Kindly get back to me with this information,

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Patient replied :

i had it for about a week an he didnt blood test me cause he thought it was an injury so he xrayed an nothing iam a youg 69 a karata instructor for 40 years old patienti stopped at 60

Expert:  Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey replied 3 Days.

Yeah he has put you on a low dose, but I am surprised he did not do blood tests.
Sometimes prophylactically colchicine can be given but it is discontinued after some time.
You're definitely yound and seem extremely fit.
I would request you to still get your uric acid levels checked to establish the diagnosis first.

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Patient replied :

first time i ever had it i do drink 2 coctails an nite after an was doig wine after with dinner but switch to beer and eat alot of clams steak blk an blue all bad stuff i guess

Expert:  Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey replied 2 Days.

Ideally, if gout is diagnosed anything which increases purine levels in the blood, should be avoided such as red meat, sea food, alcohol, or too much sugar.
So, it really depends on whether your uric acid levels are actually high.
But these are the food items you should avoid in established gout patients.

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Patient replied :

thanks Doc ive been avoiding since attack thank you for you help the .6 is helping with tylonol an advill igues the dose is low cause of side affects thank again

Expert:  Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey replied 1 Day.

Yes, the dose is low, and there will be less side effects.
Kindly get your uric acid levels checked.

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