Throat infection Diarrhea and rash on upper back part of stomach

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2 weeks ago I had a throat infection was given amoxicillin (don't know if that is spelled right) it went away felt great 2 days later woke up tired and sore figured it was from boating the day before (water was a bit rough) went and had lunch came back still tired went back to bed for another 3 hours could have kept sleeping but we had a wedding to go to went to wedding grabbed a couple drinks and couldn't stomach them and I like to drink, had supper and stomach was on edge finally after speaches went to bathroom and vomited and pretty hard felt better for a bit then had to vomit again this time every thing but my stomach came out rather violently felt a lot better went home felt good woke up had some diarrhea wasn't concerned it happens a lot I figure becaue of drinking usally only in the morning anyways turned into a nightmare continuous diarrhea some vomiting that was pretty rough no solids only liquid which I thought was weird because I had ate 2 hrs prior this continued for 4 days I went to hospital and they said just a virus shouldn't last more than 7 days give me a gravol and sent me home things were going better the next day not as much diarrhea but now today I have been sleeping all day and have a rash that is on my back part of my stomach upper thighs fore arms and butt it does not hurt or itch, I don't know what is going on and was looking for any info and treatment. I am 34 yrs old male allergic to codine and DM live on a farm in southern Ontario. just want to get back outside and do stuff anything would help thanks

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Infertility Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

The sudden and explosive nature of the vomiting coupled with diarrhoea suggests a possible Food Poisoning. This could have happened during the wedding or even prior to that. This does not look like to be ordinary stomach bugs, since even after 7 days you are having symptoms. Ordinary stomach bugs are viruses, but in your case this could be a bacterial infection.

The rash could be due to medication allergy, or bacteria spreading into the circulation (Toxic shock syndrome). The latter possibility is less likely, but need to be considered anyway. You will require a course of antibiotics and probably some bloodtest like S. Sodium, Potassium and Renal function tests. (To asses the function of the Kidneys). Since you had an antibiotic intake history a possibility of Clostridium difficile diarrhoea also needs to be considered. But as of now there are no solid features suggestive of a Clostridium infection.

In addition I recommend the following steps :
1. Drink ORS solution (if available) or Electrolyte solution for Diarrhoea (available as OTC)
2. Drink plenty of oral fluids. Avoid Milk
3. Take normal diet. Do not skip meals.

As I said earlier, you will require a re assessment from your Doctor, and some blood tests if needed. So I recommend getting medical help as soon as possible . I assume there is no blood in the stools, decreased urine output, or fever. (all are danger signs in Diarrhoea). The general weakness could be due to low potassium levels or the infection.

Hope this helps

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