Thinning, shedding of hair after different hair starightener.

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I'm American, caucasian man (age 23) living in China, and was tricked into putting some sort of hair straightner cream into my head at my last haircut (about 5 weeks ago). Language barriers got the best of me.

I think that my hair has been thinning and I've been shedding a decent amount since then. If i run my hand through my head at least one hair usually comes free. I was wondering if there was a) any possibility that there correlation between the incident and the hair loss and b) if there is, will it grow back, or is there anything I can do to help it grow back. The balding gene does run in my family, but both grandparents lost their hair a little later on in the process

I look forward to hearing your response as I'm a little nervous about this situation. (on a side note, I had thyroid blood work done recently, all is normal, so we can rule that out)


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at
Hair loss and thinning could be due to
1) Androgenic alopecia- where the cause is mainly hereditary and hormonal factors. Hair fall is mainly seen on the front, sides and centre of scalp. It is gradual and progressive
2)Telogen effluvium- hair fall is diffuse and acute. Hair that sheds off has a small white bulb attached to it(telogen hair). It mainly occurs due to stress, surgery, chronic illness (like fever, jaundice, typhoid etc), nutritional deficiency, thyroid ds, anemia etc
3) localised causes like dandruff, psoriasis, chemical/ salon procedure etc.
Any salon procedure and history of balding in family could be associated with your hair fall but I would still like to rule out other causes. So I would like to know
Since how long are you having this hair fall
Areas involved ie diffuse hair fall or losing hair from sides, centre, front etc
Any history of stress, surgery, illness, nutritional deficiency
If having dandruff or any localised scalp pathology.
If the hair that falls has a white bulb attached to it.
Answer these queries and also upload an image of your scalp depicting pattern and areas of hair loss.
Also I would like to highlight that loss of up to 50 hair per day is normal. So for doctors anything beyond that is pathological. Hair fall is a treatable condition so please don't worry. I would advise the treatment once I see the pic and ascertain the cause of hair fall
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Take care

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Patient replied :

So i have been having having noticeable hairloss in the past 2 months, though the stylist, before cutting my hair did mention that there was less in the back/center of my scalp. It seems to the worst there, but it also has been bad along the sides, and it becomes particularly noticeable in/right out of shower as well as when I'm in the gym. I'm noticing a lot more places where my scalp is visible in the gym mirrors, and I would say that generally speaking, my hair feels thinner everywhere.
I'm definitely losing well over 50 hairs a day. Looking at the hairs i that come out when I run my hand through my head, I would say 95% of them have a very small white bulb at the end. However looking at some of the ones on my pillow, there seem to be a few more with out the bulb. I'm attaching some pictures of my head. Some are right after the shower, 20 min after the shower, and then 45 minutes after.
The thyroid bloodwork was done last weekend, so we can rule that out entirely, all is normal on that front. On the bloodwork I had done, I was only recommended to increase my vitamin D consumption, however, it still falls within normal range.
Living in China, I'm usually under a fair amount of strees between life and work, but its all managable.
Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 3 Days.

Thanks for writing to us.
From the description provided you could be having telogen effluvium where hair fall is diffuse and acute. The hair that falls usually has a bulb attached to it. Another probability is androgenetic alopecia where hair fall is gradual and hair loss is mainly from temporal area and vertex. Most of the fallen hair has no root or bulb attached to it. Sometimes both of them can occur together.
These can easily be differentiated on clinical examination.
Now no matter whatever be the cause treatment remains same. In such cases, I usually prescribe
A good hair supplement rich in amino acids, minerals, vitamins and saw palmetto.
Minoxidil solution 5 percent 1 ml twice in a day.
Increase your protein intake. Take a diet rich in meat, poultry, nuts, fruits, green vegetables.
Avoid salon procedures, harsh chemical based shampoos.
Avoid stress, smoking and alcohol.
Exercise daily.
You may follow the same for a month and let me know there after.
Should there be any doubt, please write back.
Also accept my apology for delayed response from my side.

Take care

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