Swollen with white line, pain in vagina. Cause.

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I recently started having a pain near my vagina. Sometimes it is just sore as though it was cut and healing, but other times it throbs quite a bit. I had my husband check, and he couldn't see anything but he was afraid to explore too much because he was afraid of hurting me and I couldn't pinpoint the area that actually hurt. Tonight I decided to pull out a mirror and take a look. I found something that looked swollen and a white line running by. I don't know if this is unusual because I never have cause to look down there. My husband and I are monogamous and usually have sex about once or twice a week which is sometimes a little painful for me because I'm usually kind of dry. I don't know if any of that makes a difference. Not sure if I should wait and see if it clears up or if I should head to a doctor as soon as possible? Also, do I need to go to a specialist or would a general practitioner be able to help me?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
With a proper condom use and it not tearing, you have already negated any chances of STDs by almost 95 %.
Only in some rare cases, if the partner has an open lesion ( for example herpes sore ), due to contact between the genital areas, even with condom, infection can be transmitted. But then this is not true in your case, because if she indeed have open lesions, you would have definitely noticed.
Do not worry about the outer area of condom touching your penis head, infections can't be transmitted like that, because invariably everyone while removing their condom will have some partner fluids on their penis. It is not enough to cause any infection. Hence only unprotected sexual intercourse can spread HIV and other similar STI's.
I will one again reassure you, you have nothing to worry about.
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

Hi Doctor Sebastian, I very much apperciate your response. Could you please elaborate what is the 5% of chance that condom would not prevent STD? So would you recommend that I take no action in this case? or get myself tested at an anonymous sex clinic (HIV, and other kinds of STDs)? Many thanks again for your expert advice.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Yes the 5 % chance I was referring too is mostly either because of wrong way of applying the condom or the open lesion situation which i mentioned about.
You do not have to worry at all and there is no need for any testing.

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