suppository for constipation

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During the past month i came off of several psych meds. they constipated me badly. now my bowls are emptying on saturday i had 3 bowl movements, sunday 4, monday 4,, tuesday 3 and today 2 right now i feel i have to go again but it is stuck in the pelvic area and it wants to come out but stuck.idont have any other pain in the stomach area just a little in the pelvic area. is it safe to use a suppository?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking the query. I don't think suppository is a good idea. The 'stuck in' feeling might not be constipation at all.

The best method to ensure adequate bowel movement in your case will be to have a fiber rich diet. This is link from Mayoclinic which could be useful for you. (please copy paste).

The reasons I say fiber rich foods than suppository is because since you had a few bowel movements, what you now need is a 'stool forming' agent. High fiber is the best stool forming agent and this will regularise your bowel habit. You may also take a probiotic drink /tablet for a couple of days.


Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask followup question. Thank you.

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