Sore anus and urinary frequency

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I have a sore anus, perhaps anal fissures, although a recent colonoscopy did not show significant fissures. It is sometimes sore to pass stool, but the biggest problem is that this seems to irritate my bladder getting me up to urinate several times a night.

I have had prostate issues, prostatitis, and a hint of cancer, but after three biopsies it seems that there is no evidence of cancer. PSA is low. Prostate is not large but a little firm. I had thought that frequent urination at night was caused by prostate but now suspect that irritation in anal region is the culprit.

Doctors here in Vancouver have no real solutions. I use baby wipes to wipe after bowel movement, and apply zinc oxide but still problem persists. To some extent it is diet related and I have now stopped or will stop wheat and dairy since I suspect that this may cause problem.

Any advice?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at I am Dr. Kini and I am pleased to assist you.

Since I do not have the option of examining you, I am giving my opinion based on the information you have provided.

For relief from the sore anus, apply lignocaine ointment and take fiber supplements like metamucil. Do sitz bath also. In this you need to sit in a wide mouthed tub with warm water so that the warm water is in direct contact with your anus. This increases the blood flow in that part and provides good symptom relief. Do not wipe too much or too frequently.

As far as the increased frequency of urination is concerned, it is not due to the anal irritation. The possible causes of urinary infection, prostate enlargement and diabetes. Though you have mentioned that prostate is not enlarged, taking your age in to consideration, enlarged prostate is still a possibility and uroflowmetry is a better test to see how the urine flow is.

Also get an urinalysis done to rule out infection and a blood glucose test if already not done. You could share the same with me.

I hope this info answers your question. Please let me know if I can assist you further.


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Patient replied :

Thank you Dr. Kini. With regard to blood tests and urinalysis, you can review the test results on the following website. xxxx

I will look into a uroflometry test and will get some lignocaine ointment.It was the opinion of my urologist that the anal irritation could irritate the bladder. Even without the urge to urinate, the irritation in the anal region wakes me up, especially around 4 or 5 in the morning.

I experience blood in the toilet bowl from time to time with painful bowel movements. I have been taking Psyllium which is like Metamucil and that has helped., but the problem persists.

I have been bathing in a wide mouthed tub almost daily.I feel that what I eat affects the anal irritation. Acid in the stomach also seems related to irritation in the anus.If I only had to get up once a night to urinate, without the pain in the anus I would be a happy man.

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 3 Days.


I saw your test results.

Your urinalysis is normal.
You can continue taking psyllium. And sitz bath for 10 minutes three times a day.
Apply lignocaine in the anal verge.

Try to avoid coffee, chocolate , milk and beer. Intake of these can cause anal irritation.

And do not forget to get uroflometry done.

Let me know if I can assist you further.


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Patient replied :


I saw your test results.

Your urinalysis is normal.
You can continue taking psyllium. And sitz bath for 10 minutes three times a day.

Apply lignocaine in the anal verge.

Try to avoid coffee, chocolate , milk and beer. Intake of these can cause anal irritation.

And do not forget to get uroflometry done.

Let me know if I can assist you further.


Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 2 Days.

I gave you temporary access to my health information on my doctor's website. I forgot to change back to my usual username and password. Can you send me back the username and password I gave you. Thanks.

Steve Kaufmann

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