Shoulder soreness and possiblity of lung cancer

Resolved question:
When does shoulder soreness indicate it is likely due to lung cancer?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Shoulder soreness, rarely can be caused by a Lung cancer. Particular by a type of cancer called Pancoast tumour. A Pancoast tumor, also called a pulmonary sulcus tumor or superior sulcus tumor, is a tumor of the top of the lung which can affect the nerves initially causing soreness on shoulder or arms.

BUT the important thing is that shoulder soreness or pain in isolation in more 99% of cases are NOT due to Lung cancer. It could be due to a muscle, tendon or joint problem. Even a pinched nerve can cause this.

If you can give me further details like the type of pain, duration, any other symptoms like cough or weight loss, your smoking history etc. I will be able to help you further. You can reply as a followup

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

I was a pack a day smoker for 40 years. Stopped 6 years ago. A 22-pound weight loss in approximately 8 weeks, but have been trying to lose weight and was diagnosed with gastroparesis for which weight loss is a symptom. My shoulder soreness is at the joint and upper arms. Is not a constant pain, but mostly when I lift my arms.

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