Sexual abuse with insertion of carrot

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Okay I have a super embarrassing question. I am 17 and a couple days ago I was spending the night at my friends house. I woke up to find myself in her brother's room to find him being quite crude with me. Actually he , I don't know if rape is the right word but he was being inappropriate with me. To be blunt he had taken my pants off and put a carrot inside of me. I immediately threw him off but the fact that it was actually inside of me makes me nervous. The situation with him is taken care of , his family and I did a good job at that but still am nervous that I could get sick. I know that it is dangerous to have stuff like that inside of you. When I looked at the carrot it looked like it was skinned and no pieces seemed to have broken off but I am just extremely nervous. I am extremely hesitant to go to the doctor , and I am not suffering any real pain (just a dull stinging sometimes) but I really don't know what to do. If I went to the doctor that would mean I would have to tell my parents (they were away on a trip when this happened) and I would be so embarrassed. What happened was just incredibly stupid and kind of hard to believe but it did happen. I watched on tv once that a girl that had a carrot inside of her actually ended up dying, please respond I am really scared

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I am really sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident. Glad that thing are ‘taken care of’.
Medically speaking (evidence based) this is NOT very dangerous. Insertion of foreign bodies into vagina for pleasure or experiment is rather a common practice and most of the times there are no danger. (Television obviously over blows and sensationalise things).

This event is probably not going to cause any harm. (Compare that with a sexual intercourse which can put in risk for STD). I assume you have washed and cleaned the vaginal orifice. (Not to the extent of douching, a rather superficial wash is enough. You can use a handheld shower for the purpose).

Watch for any signs like abdominal pain, discharge from vagina, or unusual bleeding. If there is any unsual signs like this you will have to get in touch with your Doctor. Otherwise you can carry on , business as usual.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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