Severe pain in chest and back after an accident

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I am a teenager, and two months ago, I was involved in a minor traffic accident where a motorcycle collided into mine from behind. It was nothing serious since we all did not suffer any external injuries. However, a few weeks ago, I happen to experience chest pain that are sudden and sharp and occur occasionally that is located at my top left chest (i.e. at the top of my heart). In addition, it is accompanied aching on my back situated where my heart is located. Recently, I also experience sudden and sharp stabbing pain at my middle left abdominal area (below my heart) and mild random headaches and giddiness. I went to a doctor and did an ECG, which turns out to be normal; he then prescribed me some medication. However, my symptoms did not go away and lasted for at least 2 weeks. I did went back to my doctor and told him about it but he insist that is nothing serious and it is because of my accident that is causing these symptoms and continued to give me the same medication for me to consume. I would like to seek advice on this matter as to what I should do because I believe that there may be some things my doctor might have missed out intentionally because of my age etc.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Hello, That doesn't sound good. I presume that the fall you sustained following the accident you also might have sustained a musculoskeletal injury in your upper back and chest. This pain aggravates on slight movements. This pain can range from dull aching to severe, associated with fatigue and difficulty in performing daily activities. However it is prudent that we exclude other causes of the pain like fracture of the ribs. The main reason behind this is it will reassure you as well as reduces your anxiety.

So I would suggest you a set of investigations like a chest x ray to rule out any possible fractures and a c spine x ray. You can also relieve the pain by

a) Taking painkillers like ibuprofen twice a day for three days

b) Adequate Bed rest and avoid lifting any heavy objects.

And if the pain is not relieved, then you can consult your physician with the reports for appropriate treatment. Hope you feel better. Thank you.

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