Severe burning in lower spine and shoulder blades and neck

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Over a month now I have had lower back pain coupled with extreme tiredness but thought my mattress was the issue and that my lifestyle (flying frequently and living in 3 different Tiwns in the one state.
Just over a week ago I felt some nausea and didnt eat that day. I arrived back home after a work meeting feeling like I was going to vomit. In which I did, i then went to bed as I was not well. An hour after this whilst laying in bed I felt discomfort in my lower spine, shoulder blades and neck which wad like a severe burning sensation. I could not sleep all night. I got up for work @ 0300am to get ready and drive 1 hr 30 min to work.I felt exhausted and the pain hadn't susided. I got to work and was a pale colour and was hunching over from the pain.

I turnef around went back home and saw Doctor. Explained the above. Blood Pressure, Temp snd Breathing ok. Sent for blood tests for influenza and blood clots. Panadeine Forte given for the pain.

Blood Tests were a pisitive negative in which she said I had low count of white blood cells. But sent me for a ct chest examination. All clear. Doctor said I probably have a viral infection
Nil further treatment. The panadeine forte would take the edge of the burning pain but the stiffbeck and minimal movement was still evident. So i tried physio, nerve test and full body assessment completed. I had nerve issues on my left side that went straight to my neck and body wad full of nots and tightness. Physio assessed my stomach and on the right hand side it was extremely painful but not the same strength pain when he checked the left side.
So over a week I am still experiencing all of the above with nil bowel movement in more than a week and a half...

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Neurosurgeon

Expert:  Dr. Sudhir Kumar replied 4 Days.


Thank you for posting your query at

I can understand the discomfort you are undergoing on account of your symptoms.

I have noted the thorough evaluation done so far, however, I would like an MRI of the lumbo-sacral spine (with screening of the whole spine) to be done for you. This is because your symptoms could occur due to disc prolapse with compression of the nerves in the back.

In addition, I would also like you to get evaluated by a gastroenterologist (in view of symptoms such as constipation, poor appetite, nausea, stomach pain, etc). Further evaluation may require endoscopy, colonoscopy, CT abdomen, etc, from the gastroenterology side.

Neuropathic pain may respond to pregabalin or gabapentin capsules, in the time being, till evaluation is completed.

I hope it helps. Please get back if you have any more queries.

Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

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Patient replied :

Thank you so much. I have competed in Figure Bodybuilding for the past 6 years but have had a break for 2 years.. I know I have added spme weight to my frame, I never frequent a doctor at all. But this concernrd me due wanting yo be able to walk and compete again next year.

So a pro lapsed disc, the burning pain and minmal movement in my neck could be caused by this also.

Expert:  Dr. Sudhir Kumar replied 3 Days.

Thank you for getting back.

It is good to note that you are healthy and rarely visit a doctor. I hope you will get back your complete health again.
Yes, a prolapsed disc in the neck can cause neck and back pain, burning in the arms, and limited neck movements.
Lack of physical activity in the past two years would have compounded your problems.

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