Severe abdominal pain with PANNICULITIS in ULTRASOUND. Treatment.

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My wife (who is 33.4 weeks pregnant) is having severe pain in her lower left abdomen, for last 3 days. We went for a scan and we were told its not related to pregnancy.

The report says:
ill defined hyperechoic area (measuring 34 * 11 mm) seen within the peritoneal cavity in the left lumbar region suggestive of possible panniculitis.

Our doctor asked her to take

Urgendol P (3 times a day)

Injection Taxim 1gm (IV) (2 times a day)
Injection Metrogyl 100 (IV) (2 times a day)
Injection PAN (IV) (2 times a day)

She is still in pain even after 3 infusions, and can't sit, lie down or stand.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

This is called lichen planus. Its called a papulosquamous condition. Its chronic. There are purple coloured papules.

The treatment can be long term. You can start applying cortisone cream twice a day till you get a prescription for mometasone cream.

For itching you can take an anti histamine like claritin .

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