Rough patch, itchy boils with in back, thigh. Treatment?

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Resolved question:
My 9 years old patientdaughter regularly having boils with pus different parts of the body and mainly back of thighs. The problem begins initially with a rough patch, then itching and finally turns into a boil. The problem is for last 3-4 years. Shown to no. of skin doctors and no improvements

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to us.
From the prescriptions, it seems your daughter is having atopic dermatitis. AD is a type of eczema where a child first develops itching and frequent scratching may lead to dry patches that may become oozy or wet later on. I would appreciate if you could send me pics of affected areas. Also I would like to know, 1.if your child has dry skin, hyperlinear palms( ie palm linee are too dark and more in number as compared to others) or dryness around eyes/ itchy eyes
sites involved
2. sites affected
3. seasonal variation in lesions
4. If your child is allergic, gets frequent cold, running nose or if there is history of allergy or asthma in family
5. if she has synthetic clothes or wool intolerance.
Please send the pics of affected areas, her face and palms. Also answer these queries so that we may take this discussion further.
Hoping to hear from you soon.

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