Risk of transmitting Hepatitis from dried blood through mucus membrane

Resolved question:
2 nights ago I had anal sex with a guy. It was protective, We've slept together before, we've had an open conversation about being safe etc. wasnt concerned at all about stds or anything. after the sex was over I removed the condom and there was no blood or fecal matter present. I used a hand towel in my bathroom to dry my pubic area above my penis where my pubic hair is, as it was a little wet from the lube, and again there was no fecal matter or blood present in that area. I left the towel in the bathroom as I was tired and I was going to bed.
Then, Last night, about 18 hours later give or take an hour, I was going to put the towel away in the hamper and I rubbed/itched my nose, to be specific the rim around my nostril and the tip of my nose after mg hands had been on parts of the towel. I was for some reason looking on the towel for fecal matter bc I didn't want to put it in the hamper if there was. While I was inspecting the towel I noticed a tiny tiny bit of what appeared to be dried blood. It was tiny about the size of the head of a tooth pick or maybe 2 put together, and it was on two individual strands of the cotton towel. It could've been my blood from days or weeks earlier from using the towel on my face after a shave or it could've been from the night before post anal sex when i wiped away the water and lube from my pubic hair/area.I get very paranoid about this and realized like I said that I had rubbed/itched my nose in the manner I described. I'm not worried about any stds besides hepatitis as I know that all aren't infectious after that many hours outside the body, dried on a towel. I've read that hepatitis b can remain infectious up to 7 days as well as hepatitis c in dried blood or semen. My worry is that when I was wiping my hands on the hand towel, even though I'm not sure that i touched the dried blood since it was such a minuscule amount, or that it was from the night before, that I could transfer potential hepatitis b or c to myself by touching the rim of my nostril and the tip of my nose and thus get infected via my nostril. I know that the nostril is a mucous membrane which can possible be a way to transmit hepatitis b or c, but I didn't totally pick my nose, my finger wasn't touching the lining of my nostril. I know this sounds crazy but is that a way to transmit the disease, or do you have to touch the inside of your nostril completely? I Need some reassurance or guidance, please.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring. I can understand your concern.

I understand that you might be really worried about the transmission of infection. However, from the history that you provided the chances of infection seem quite less. The dried blood has less chances of carrying the virus, though its possible for the virus to remain alive for 7 days. Also since the quantity of blood was very minuscule.

Also there was no contact with the inside of the nostril, the inside of the nostril is the mucous membrane , not the rim.

Hence, i would say the chances are minimal. But to be on the safer side you could get a blood test done for detection of Hep B and C.

Also, it would be best to get yourself vaccinated for Hep B, getting vaccinated won't be helpful for the past episodes, but it will help to prevent any future chances of infection.

Hope this helps, Please feel free to discuss further.

Take care
Dr Kruti

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Patient replied :

I feel good about what you're saying that if I didn't touch the lining of the nostril I wouldn't transit the disease. That was he basis of my question. My finger never entered my nose. I feel at ease that I don't need to get tested, though a vaccination in the future would ease any future paranoia or thoughts regarding hepatitis b can c trnsmission. Would you agree? Thanks

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

?If you are keep getting bothered by this fear of transmission, ?
I would recommend that you get a test done just to put your mind at ease. But technically it is not indicated.

The rim of the nostril is just the skin and not mucous membrane and hence chances of transmission are very low.

Getting vaccination ?(for Hepatitis B) ?done for the future is a good idea.
Probably you are already vaccinated as it is a common practice these days. Please check your medical records. ?

Take care

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Patient replied :

As there was no break in the skin of the rim of the nostril and based on what youre saying, i believe transmission is pretty much impossible since i would have had to touch the lining of the nose is the mucous membrane is where i would have to had contact.

in regards to hgetting tested, it's not that im bothered by this fear of transmission, i was saying in my last reply that i felt good about what you were saying and that i didnt feel like i needed to get tested because of what i described in my oringinal question to you. i was only saying that getting vaccinated would be good in the future to possibly avoid a situation like this if it were ever to occur, which i doubt it will. i would say the same for anyone if they have had a situation like i described or even if they havent. would you agree that i really dont need to get tested since theres no risk here as i only touched the rim? i wasnt worried after your first response and i feel peace of mind so thats not an issue, and im certain that is why you recommended getting a test, correct? getting vaccinated would still be good like i said, for me or anyone as it's 2013 and medical science provides vaccines as such

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 2 Days.


Sorry about the confusion,

Yes, the possibility of transmission is very less. (Not technically impossible - I hope you would understand a small risk chance might play as in every situation).

And yes you need NOT get tested. The only reason I suggested a test is because that is best reassurance for some individuals. To be honest I thought you were bit concerned or over worried about the possibility and that's the reason I suggest a test and said 'technically not indicated'. If that is not the case do not worry about it. Sorry about that.

And yes you can be in peace of your mind and enjoy your life.

Wish you good health
Hope this helps
Thank you.

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Patient replied :

As there was no break in the skin of the rim of the nostril and based on what youre saying, i believe transmission is pretty much impossible since i would have had to touch the lining of the nose is the mucous membrane is where i would have to had contact.

in regards to hgetting tested, it's not that im bothered by this fear of transmission, i was saying in my last reply that i felt good about what you were saying and that i didnt feel like i needed to get tested because of what i described in my oringinal question to you. i was only saying that getting vaccinated would be good in the future to possibly avoid a situation like this if it were ever to occur, which i doubt it will. i would say the same for anyone if they have had a situation like i described or even if they havent. would you agree that i really dont need to get tested since theres no risk here as i only touched the rim? i wasnt worried after your first response and i feel peace of mind so thats not an issue, and im certain that is why you recommended getting a test, correct? getting vaccinated would still be good like i said, for me or anyone as it's 2013 and medical science provides vaccines as such

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 1 Day.


Sorry about the confusion,

Yes, the possibility of transmission is very less. (Not technically impossible - I hope you would understand a small risk chance might play as in every situation).

And yes you need NOT get tested. The only reason I suggested a test is because that is best reassurance for some individuals. To be honest I thought you were bit concerned or over worried about the possibility and that's the reason I suggest a test and said 'technically not indicated'. If that is not the case do not worry about it. Sorry about that.

And yes you can be in peace of your mind and enjoy your life.

Wish you good health
Hope this helps
Thank you.

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