Risk of pregnancy

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Resolved question:
I m from india.
i had sex with my gf on 16th jan . today (18th jan) she got pain and small bleeding .
we have used condom. her last preod was on 2nd jan and stop on 5th.
it was also paining on that day..
please help me.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Mild pain and bleeding can occur mid cycle following sex. There is nothing to overly worry about this now. It could be due a mild hormonal imbalance. Since you used a condom there is no major risk of pregnancy or STD.

For now you can observe. Wait for the next period to occur. It might be a couple of days delayed. If it is delayed for more than 5 days , get a urine pregnancy test done just to be sure.

Get medical help if there is sever bleeding or sever pain. Otherwise you can just judiciously observe.

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

Thnk you very much doctor.
i want to ask you one more thing ,
If it is delayed for more than 5 days and get a urine pregnancy with positive (my gf is pregnant) , is there any way for abortion with out any surgery? bcoz she did not want to tell this to her parents.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

First of all pregnancy is highly unlikely that there will be pregnancy since condom was used. However if in the unlikely event of pregnancy it can be terminated using Medications (tablets) alone without surgery or any procedure in the initial weeks. You will need to get in touch with a Obstetrician and Gynaecologist for this though.

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

Thnk you very much doctor.
i want to ask you one more thing ,
If it is delayed for more than 5 days and get a urine pregnancy with positive (my gf is pregnant) , is there any way for abortion with out any surgery? bcoz she did not want to tell this to her parents.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

First of all pregnancy is highly unlikely that there will be pregnancy since condom was used. However if in the unlikely event of pregnancy it can be terminated using Medications (tablets) alone without surgery or any procedure in the initial weeks. You will need to get in touch with a Obstetrician and Gynaecologist for this though.

Hope this helps
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