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Resolved question:
My ecg results
impression sinus rhythm
impression right atria abnormality
Heart rate 95
What does this mean? I have no dizziness or fainting. I do suffer from insomnia.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
From the limited clinical and electrocardiographic information provided by you I gather that the ecg has some borderline right atrial abnormality and rest parameters are alright. Right atrial abnormality signifies an enlargement of the right side of the heart. This could be due to asthma copd or any other cause of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Do you have breathlessness? In case you have I would suggest you have a 2d echo and a lung function test done. It could also be a misinterpreted ecg by the machine and could be a normal finding.

Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology
MD Medicine

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Patient replied :

I do not have any breathlessness to speak of...nothing out of the ordinary. I have not worked out much lately due to back issues so I'm not as conditioned as I used to be. I've always had some breathing issues around spring time...been told I have some allergies. I've attached the written report.

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 3 Days.

Allergic seasonal asthma can lead to the right atrial abnormality in your ecg. Still I would recommend a 2d echo to confirm the findings.
Dr Vivek Mahajan

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Patient replied :

I've attached the ECG strip. My doctor here said it is nothing to be concerned about since I don't have any complaints. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at it.

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 2 Days.

Yes, the ECG looks normal.
Such misinterpretations are common with ECG machines.
Please do not worry.

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