Reason for a painless black patch on sole of my foot.

Resolved question:
Black patch under skin on the sole of my foot ???? Age 15 male.

help im really worried ive noticed it for a few days and it has gotten darker . It looks like a mark but it is under the skin and cannot be washed off it does not hurt or do anything its just there

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for choosing
Your consult has been reviewed and due to its specific nature, we have requested for a Dermatologist's opinion. Hence we have upgraded your consult FREE to a 35$ specialist consult. As a result there might be further delay as the MD will need to review your case.
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Wish you good health! Thank you. In-house Physician, The DoctorSpring Team.

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