Precaution for not trasferring GENITAL WARTS to my partner.

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Hi. I am a male who had unprotected sex on August 22nd, 2014. It was with one female and one other male. Both males had vaginal sex with the one female multiple times in this one night. Both males were unprotected.

The other male later told me he was diagnosed with Gonorrhea 3 months ago, but took 1 gram of Azithromycin and never had symptoms again. Because I was worried, August 26th, I took 1 gram of Azithromycin as well, just in case.

I started thinking “what about herpes, what about the girl involved”. I also currently have a girlfriend and started getting very stressed out about giving her an std. I also started feeling very guilty. It was hard for me to sleep and I had a lot of anxiety. I couldn’t eat much, plus I still felt weak from all the alcohol I drank through that whole weekend.

On August 27th, my testicles started tingling. I would get a very strange cooling feeling in my gentiles from time to time. On August 29th I went to a dermatologist. He checked out the area and told me that It was probably all in my mind.

While I was at the dermatologist, I showed him growths that I had on my testicles for years. He said they were warts and removed them by freezing them. They got darker over the next two days then fell off.

I also took a std test on August 29th and came out negative for all. It was a blood and urine test.
I am still having a tingling sensation on my testicles, but no other symptoms. No burning or itching. No redness of any kind.

I have a girlfriend/sex partner that I have been sexually active with for over 5 years. I have had these warts for at least 7 years old patientnot knowing they were warts. She has no signs of warts, and she has had a UID placed for birth control, and they did not notice anything abnormal.

Not sure if it may have anything to do with the tingling, but I have been masturbating 3-4 times a day to keep myself from having sex.

Now, here come the questions.

Regarding the Warts.

1. Is it normal that my girlfriend has no symptoms of warts?

2. Is she still at risk of cervical cancer with no symptoms or warts?

3. Am I more infectious with the warts now that they are cut off and open wounds?

4. What other things are there to know about when in a long term relationship with genital warts? Are there things we should be watching out for? Pills she or I should be taking?

Regarding the unprotected sex on August 22nd.

1. Today, September 3rd, I still have tingling in my testicles. Mostly on the lower half and down close to my anus and butt cheeks. Would tingles from herpes last this long without other symptoms?

2. Can these tingles be from Herpes?

3. Can the tingles be a bacterial infection? If so, are there any over the counter medications for this?

4. If I did get herpes, would I be highly contagious now?

5. Can this tingle feeling really be just in my head as I’ve heard many people say?

6. How long should I wait to get retested for STD’s for the unprotected sex on August 22nd?

7. Can the tingling be from over masturbation?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

It's possible that your girlfriend does not have symptoms of warts. Warts can take years old patientto show up. She can still be at risk of cervical cancer though she has no warts. The virus causing cervical cancer is of a different strain, however the risk of cancer increases with risk factors like multiple sex partners, unprotected sex etc., You are not more infectious once the warts are out. However you can refrain from sex till the wounds heal. You do not need pills nor does she. However, there is a chance you might get recurrence of the warts , hence it's best to have protected sex.

The tingling in herpes might usually last from 3 to 5 days. In your case, if you don't have any clusters of fluid filled blisters, herpes is unlikely. However, you could keep a watch for these. If there are no lesions, it's difficult to say if there is a bacterial infection or not. Masturbation when excessive could result in soreness and tingling.

It would be best to apply a combination of cortisone and neosporin cream for a couple of days and see if it helps any inflammation that might be causing the tingling.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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