Pot smoking causes high blood pressure

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Hello, so I recently noticed that my blood pressure was unusually high, so I saw a doctor and he insisted that I do a high blood pressure test (urine and blood test). I'm a heavy pot smoker just wanted to know if it is the cause of my high BP and if it would show up in the test results. Thanks

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Pot smoking has a lot of effects on the body. It contains an active ingredient called as Delta- 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has a lot of medical effects on the body. THC brings about a sense of relaxation. As soon as it consumed, it enters the blood stream and usually the effect lasts for 1- 4 hours. During that period, it causes stimulation of the brain, which releases dopamine and causes euphoria. THC also causes increased thirst and hunger, dry mouth, pain relief Smoking is one of the risk factors, which interact with hypertension and may lead to Ischemic heart disease.In regard to the last part of your question, there is high chance that your high blood pressure Is due to the smoking pot. However it depends when you get the test done for it to be seen in your urine and blood tests as it lasts up to for 4 hours in the body and gets excreted out. Hope this helps.

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