Possibility of recovering vison with RETINAL INFECTION, SHRUNKEN EYEBALL.

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Resolved question:
My father lost vision in left eye due to retinal infection and also the eyebal shrunken. Now he has been treated for infection with various drops. Is there any possibility for recovering vision. Pls help me out

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Ophthalmologist

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your medical query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
I have reviewed his reports, and since the eyeball has already started shrinking, there is very little chance of recovering his vision. If it progresses to shrinking of eyeball, there is really no hope.
I am sorry but the prognosis looks bad.

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Patient replied :

Thank u so much. Will this affect another eye also? What are all the precautions to be taken to safeguard the right eye.

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 3 Days.

Infections occur due to internal infections , they don't affect the other eye or other body parts , but the infection has to be controlled as soon as possible, because if it travels into the blood iot can affect the other eye or body parts.

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