Resolved question:
I am a female, and I have never had pimples or acne even when I had my period, pimples were never my problem. But I have been with someone for almost a year now, only after few months of being with him pimples on my face started to come out, I was still a virgin when pimples started to come out, and even when we had sexual intercourse pimples kept coming out and specially when I get my period, I personally think it has to do with gynecological hormones, and pimples come out from physical intercourse, because pimples also come out right after I have sex or a day after. Most on my face, and specially my chin, and also my shoulders and my chest! Can I please get help for that?
4 Days
Hello, it is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It occurs during puberty. When male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both females and males stimulate the sebaceous glands. These sebaceous glands have got spores and produce sebum. A small hair grows through the follicle and pimples grow when these follicles gets blocked. These pimples appear on face, back, chest, shadows and neck. There are different types of pimples like: whiteheads, black heads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. It affects all races and ages but is common between 11 to 30 years old. Men suffer from acne more than women because of testosterone, which is present in higher quantities in young men. Primary cause could be rise in androgen level. This androgen level rises when a person becomes adolescent. Sometimes genetics also play apart and even medications, which contain androgen and lithium and even greasy cosmetics too. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause acne. Treatment depends on whether it is mild or severe. If it is mild you can use Benzyl peroxide, Salicylic acid, Retina-A, Azelaic acid. In severe cases it is better to be treated by a dermatologist. The whole process depends on the severity of the infection like regular washing of face; application of ant acne cream or gel (if it is greasy) will do suffice. Sometimes you may have to take oral antibiotics also. In certain cases oral contraceptives suppress the overactive gland after checking with a gynecologist. As long as you do not meddle with the pimples, it gets cleared in course of time. In case if you start plucking these pimples, it may leave a scar, which is a bit difficult to take it out. Hence, in your case, it is the age, sexual activity, and hormonal disturbances or role-plays a part in that. I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist. Thank you.