Pilonidal cyst

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I am 25 year old male.I have developed since last 1.5 years pilonidal cyst problem.I feel pain in sitting and some liquid oozes out. I showed to surgeon.She says it has to be operated. But she also told me that there is risk of blood not stopping or even death.That appears odd.
I wish to kow what is reliable treatment for this problem? Is surgery so complicated and risky? what is time required for surgery and healing period. Is there 100% treatment by surgery and no relapse?
What is main cause of this disease?
Is there any herbal or alternative tertement?
I live in Madicine Hat a small town near Calgary in Canada
I have no other problems and dont take any medicines.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: General Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting in Doctor spring.

Pilonidal cyst/Sinus arises in hair bearing area which has pressure. Due to prolonged sitting posture,hair around buttocks will grow inwards and form a sinus.It will be discharging fluid/pus .
Surgery is the only option.

I have done surgery to many people with Pilonidal sinus.Success rate is good.
If the wound is left open after removal of sinus,it will take 6-8 weeks to heal. If it is closed,it will heal soon.

It will not cause bleeding.Bleeding points can be controlled.If you have bleeding disorder,Then the blood flow will be continuous .Otherwise,nothing to worry.
It will be 100% cured by surgery.

Wish you good health.

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