Persistent pain behind eye

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I am currently having a persistent pain behind my left eye, as well tension/pain on the top left of my head and tension on my left shoulder. This pain started around 9 hours ago after finishing lunch, and so far aspirin and ibuprofen has not helped it. I would class this as a low pain, maybe a 1 or a 2, but considering that I never get anything other than minor tension headaches it has really been on my mind.

Before this event, a few days ago, I noticed a pressure building behind my nose in the nasal cavity region. It wasn't painful but it was unique in that I did not have congestion to go along with it. That sensation only lasted about 1.5 days. I am writing this down in case the two scenarios could be related.

I do not have any noticeable swelling, nor redness in the eyes nor a fever. I do have a dry left eye. I only had about 4 hours of sleep last night due to anxiety/insomnia so I'm sure that doesn't help things.

I suppose I should also mention a recurring pain in my left hip area that I have had off and on for a few weeks, however it could be due to increased running. It only manifests when sitting cross-legged.

I hope you can rule out any major concerns I have like arterial blockage or something wrong with the cerebrovascular system, thank you.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring

On symptoms analysis these three symptom sets appears NOT related. I would like to know some additional information from you so that I can provide a sold and learned opinion.

1. Do you feel any dizziness, clouding of consciousness, confusion ?
2. Any persistant headache ?
3. Any deviation of angle of mouth (noticeable involuntary deviation ) ?
4. Is there any weakness/ numbness/ tiredness of legs or arms (any side)
5. Any visual disturbances (double vision, blackening of vision
6. Is there watering of eyes , especially on the left side ?
7. Did you have a cold /flu / fever recently ?

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Patient replied :

Thank you Dr. Sebastian,

I do not feel any real dizziness, although there was a time last night while staring at the words on my screen where I felt dizzy for only a moment, then it vanished.

If there is a headache, it would only be intermittent and usually due to tension, it goes away after a few hours on average.

No deviation of the mouth I can tell.

No such things on my legs or arms.

No vision issues.

No watering of eyes, in fact they have been unusually dry, along with my nose.

No cold or flue recently.

If it could be sinusitis, should I go see my doctor for antibiotics?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


Thank you for the additional information.

The symptoms are not suggestive of sinusitis or any major arterial blockade. There are no major warning signs and the symptoms set is rather non specific. By non specific I mean to say that they do no point towards a single diagnosis. There is nothing to worry though as there are no warning / danger signs

Antibiotics are not really required. If the pain is troubling you , you cant take an OTC pain medicine like Ibuprofen 400g twice daily / when required. Steam inhalation should help in relieving the dryness.

These symptoms under normal circumstances should resolve if few days.

Hope this helps
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