Painful bruise on leg with vaginal Progesterone

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I am 7 weeks pregnant and taking vaginal progesterone (prometrium) My doctor prescribed this because my levels dipped to 19.85 last week. Now my level is 37.74.

I have just noticed a small puffy painful to touch bruise on my right leg and a tiny spot of a different nature on my left.

Can this drug cause these bruises? Should I be concerned? Can these supplements cause blood clots?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your consult at

Prometrium ( progesterone ) DOES have the unfortunate side effect of upping your risk significantly of developing blood clots and bruises, particularly if you already have had a history or risk in the past. The bruises can definitely be caused by prometrium.

However, other causes also should be ruled out - a blood count to know the platelet levels, your liver function profile, blood clotting profile etc.
You should be concerned, and should be seeing your doctor right away.

Other causes include - thrombocytopenia ( low platelet count ), deranged bleeding profile, deranged liver function tests so these should be excluded by the tests mentioned above.

Also, if other reasons are ruled out, these supplements should be stopped, and alternatives instituted ( lower dosage, alternate day dosing, dosing with monitoring of your clotting profile - these are some options).

All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.

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