Pain on and off in testicle after VARICOCELECTOMY.

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Resolved question:
Little over 3 weeks ago had a varicocelectomy. still experiencing minor on and off pain in left testicle and little inflammation wondering if the procedure went ok and its normal to feel like this? No pain during sexual activity. No frequent urniation or pain during urination. no pain in groin area. Also when i do the cough test my left testi doesn't really move only the right one. Also no fever or nausea.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Urologist

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for posting your query at
Minor pain on and off can persist for 6-8 weeks post surgery. There is nothing to worry and stay reassured.
Feel free to discuss further,

Dr Rajiv Goel

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Patient replied :

when can i start lifting weights/ excercising ? And my left testicle seems a bit larger is that normal?

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 3 Days.

Hello. Thank you for the follow up.
You should wait for at least for 3 months after surgery prior to lifting weights. The testicular size shall return back to normal in 3 months.
Feel free to discuss further,

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