Pain in left abdomen with one bout of blood per rectum

Resolved question:
I am 54.
I have pain in my abdominal left side, this is something that is going on for a very long time now, sometimes I would feel the same pain in the right side as well. I feel as if no one want to believe me that I do have this pain, even the doctors, I do not want to go to a doctor anymore.
I can only describe this as the same pain you will feel when you haven't run for a while and when you do run you get this pain in your side, the only thing is this is a constant pain now.
I have had US Abdominal, CT Upper abdomen with IV contrast, CT Abdomen & Pelvis scans. All these test came back as normal.
I had a Hysterectomy more than 20 years ago.
A month ago I had blood in my water when I went to the toilet, but after the second time I went to the toilet it was clear again, the test that was done also show no signs of blood in the water.
Thank you
Dina Morton

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your question at

Most of the diseases of abdomen are diagnosed by Ultrasound abdomen,CT scan abdomen. All these tests are normal.

As you had previous history of surgery(Hysterectomy),the commonest cause for pain could be adhesions. This will not be diagnosed by any tests.

You can consult your Surgeon and plan for Diagnostic laparoscopy(key hole procedure).If adhesions are seen,they can be lysed at the same sitting.

Blood in urine can be due to infection,stone etc.please drink plenty of liquids.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to discuss further.

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