Pain, burning in penis tip after peeing, ejaculating. Bacteria?

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Hello! So randomly the tip my penis started to just burn a little after I pee and ejaculate its been like this for a couple of days, its not a pain that hurts really bad it just burns a little maybe for like 10 minutes. I don't believe its an std because I haven't had sex in a while and I had unprotected sex with my ex girlfriend but that was a little over a year ago. I do masturbate a lot or did probably did it like 2 or 3 times a day give or take. My urine did split streams like dried semen was stuck at the tip. Any idea what it could be? Also my girlfriend now gave my oral while she had a viral throat infection so could it be bacteria? The tip of my penis does not hurt if I squeeze it or anything just a warm sensation when I pee.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
From your description, it seems like you have picked up an UTI. The warm sensation or burning at the tip while peeing, both can happen in cases of UTI.
Sometimes lack of water, makes the urine really concentrated, and while coming out, it burns the tip.
So these are the two possibilties.
I will advise you to drink plenty of water, and start consuming cranberry juice. ( 2-3 glasses per day ). This will make the pee less acidic and the burning will come down. If it doesn't settle down on taking more of fluids ( water + cranberry juice ), then a course of Tab. Norfloxacin 400 mg twice daily has to b tried for 7 days.

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Patient replied :

I am a 20 year old male is this uncommon? And how long should it take to be completely better? My pee looks clear yet a little cloudy. Also I am peeing like every 5 minutes is this normal as well and will this settle down? Although I started drinking cranberry juice and the burning has settled down already.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Yeah UTI in general is slightly less common in males, however it does happen.
Okay if you are feeling like peeing every 5 minutes then you have urethritis.
Is there any chance your partner might have gonorrohoea? Can be spread through oral intercourse, and can lead to urethritis, leading to cloudy urine and burning at the tip of the penis.
It is better you give your urine for culture, and got yourself tested for gonorrhoea.
Lastly apart from the cranberry, start yourself on Tab. Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days.
In UTI, even though there is increased frequency of urination, but not every 5 minutes. And hence the scare for gonorrhoea. It is extremely common, but with proper treatment it can settle down immediately.

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Patient replied :

Alright so here is whats going on. First of all my symptoms, My urine I do not believe was cloudy in the first place it looked like it because of the foam but its not the foamy and I have horrible anxiety when it comes to health, it's actually a clear yellowish tint. I no longer have a burning sensation when I have to urinate, however the symptoms I have now is that when I urinate it sometimes comes in 2 streams. I dont pee as frequently however I do get the sensation that I have to urinate but I wont have much to let out. When I masturbate it seems like I have less semen now and it is less thick than before it seems watery and like I said before I was masterbating a lot which maybe caused UTI symptoms? I did a urine sample and it came back as the urine was clear and nothing bad was in it (no blood, and other stuff I dont know what else they test for) however the doctor is going to culture it just in case because I have been drinking cranberry juice and a lot of water. The 2 stream urination has been happening a little more often now does this recover on its own? I went to the doctor today and got tested for STDS including gonnoreah chlamydia and syphilis, however the doctor said it didnt seem like I had any of the following based off her questions. Other than that I feel fine nothing hurts, nothing is discomforting, it's just that I have HORRIBLE anxiety which may be causing these problems. I'm not sure if my urination pressure seems low or not either it seems like it takes a little longer to come out. Could I have contracted these problems from masterbating too often? Should I stop masterbating for a while?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
Since you have increased frequency of urination, with a yellowish tint, it indicates infection. It could be either an urethritis or cystitis.
I will advise you start yourself on antibiotics T. Norfloxacin, till you get your urine culture test done. I think you should prophylactically start the treatment without waiting for the culture reports, and let it get worse.
You can stop masturbating for a week, in presence of infection, the ejaculate volume might be less.
Also if it is possible get an urologist opinion, who can examine you physically.

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