Resolved question:
Hello Doctor,
I did oral sex to a woman for some minutes and then I used my finger into her Vagina
I noticed that she bled so we stopped having sex. We did not have normal sex except these things that I just said to you (oral and fingering). My finger had her blood and I washed my hands.
I think I did not have any cuts on my finger or on my mouth but I am not sure.The girl is 24 years old from Finland and I asked her if she has any sickness and she told me No.
Anyway, I will go after two weeks for hiv exams (or do i have to wait more?). However, i feel so stressed. I have some questions
A) How much dangerous are these things that I described?Do I have to worry a lot?
B) After the two weeks that I will get the exams, if are negative, do I have to take the exams again in 3 months?Do I have to take the Elisa (4th generation) or RNA exams?
Thank you
4 Days
HIV- AIDS Specialist
Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.
The sexual encounter you had is of low risk for HIV transmission. I would say your risk for contracting HIV is very low. Your partner is otherwise healthy , there is no penetrative vaginal or anal sex and there is not direct contact with open skin and mucosal membrane . So the risk is pretty low here and I don't think you need to worry about HIV at all.
However it is better to get tested (tests are cheap and easily available and will out your mind to peace). 2 weeks is bit early for the testing. If you are going for a traditional HIV antibody testing, get tested in 4-6 weeks and if you are going for a Combo test (HIV Ag.Ab) you can get tested in 3-4 weeks.
Repeat testing is optional considering your low risk. If you wish to go for a repeat testing you can do a simple HIV Elise after 6 months.
Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups / clarifications
Thank you
Thank you a lot for your answer.I guess I should calm down but I worry(i have nightmares) so I will do the exams.One last question please.When u say combo test,is the 4th generation test?I dont know the terminology.Could you please give me this clarificarion?Also, is RNA test faster?Thank you again for your help,I really appreciate it
Fourth generation HIV test is same as the Combo test (Ag/Ab). Sorry, I should have clarified that. DO NOT go for RNA tests. They can give false positive tests in some scenarios. You can go for the Combo/Fourth generation test or an antibody test (ELISA) test. Thank you
Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you
Thank you again for your clarification and your advice!
One last question please. I am so so stressed that I am dizzy all the time. I cant wait to go for the exams in order to stop feeling like this.How can I relax until the exams?I mean..I guess i have to be calm since the risk is so low, havent I?
Thank you for all this help
Well knowing that you have near zero risk for HIV should ease your mind. You can take mind of this. If the same scenario happened with one of my friend I would not even ask for a testing. So you can relax. May be some music , exercise or reading , whatever works for you can help.
Again, you should not preoccupy your mind with this at all as there is nothing to worry about
Hope this helps
Thank you