Non specific symptoms and risk of HIV without any exposure

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Resolved question:
i have all these symptoms. which are related to hiv infection.
1.Enlarging breasts.(male breasts)
2.eye floaters both eyes
3.white stuff inside the mouth.
4.loss of buttock size.
5.skinny limbs. body is getting thinner day by day
7.toe nail infection
8.enlarged bladder area.
9.double vision in both eyes
10.eyes sunken deep in the sockets. starting to look like a skull
11.loss of sex drive
12.testicle and penis shrunk to the size of a 12 year old.
13.loss of thickness,volume and color if semen(now its like water)
14.enlarged belly. I used to have a big belly always but now it is getting much bigger.

my sex history.

only performed self masturbation by my self.(20 years and counting) used oil, shampoo, hair cream as lubricant.
I have never taken drugs
never had a tattoo
never received nor gave blood.
never had any kind of sex with anyone.
never used sex toys.
I am single.

so doc what do you think is happening to me. am I really infected or not. I am terrified please help.
waiting for your professional response.
Please let me know if you need more info about me.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing for online consultation.

These symptoms are NOT suggestive or specific for HIV - AIDS. These symptoms might occur in an HIV patient so do hundreds of other symptoms. That does not mean you have HIV.

However you do need evaluation for the symptoms. You will need a thorough physical examination, Complete Blood count , Renal, Liver and Thyroid functions tests, Testosterone and FSH, LH levels. This will rule out any other possible coexisting illness.

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

so doctor can you say for sure that my symptoms are not due to being infected by HIV or AIDS? If we relate to my sexual activity?
I believe that you cannot get HIV or other disease from solo masturbation. Am I correct?
I actually did a HIV test in Thailand in 2004 which the doc said I was OK .but it keeps bothering me because of these signs.

thank you for answering my query.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


Let me assure you there is no chance that you have HIV - AIDS . These symptoms are unrelated to HIV. Self masturbation will not cause HIV. So do now worry about HIV at all. Stay postive.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.
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Patient replied :

I am happy to hear that. So what do you suggest me to do next.
thank you for the advice you are excellent

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Well, as I said earlier you need to get in touch your Doctor for evaluation. Although HIV is not possible, the cause for your symptoms need to be evaluated. You will need a thorough physical examination, Complete Blood count , Renal, Liver and Thyroid functions tests, Testosterone and FSH, LH levels. (specific tests to be decided by your Doctor after a physical examination)

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