Never getting erections, wet dreams. Can I masturbate?

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I'm a 17-year-old male with some "guy questions". I am concerned about my reproductive health. I never get erections, I never masturbate, and I never have wet dreams or ejaculate at all. This has me concerned. I actually used to masturbate, but I felt it becoming an addiction so I put an end to it. By this point, I can't remember the last time I ever got an erection or ejaculated in any form whatsoever (it's been at least four months). I guess my reproductive health can't matter too much considering that I'm gay, but I feel really concerned about being sexually dead. Should I masturbate? Shouldn't I get horny sometimes? Or is this even a problem?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexologist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at
I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
Being gay doesn't mean that the sexual life is an end. Firstly let me correct your view point about masturbation. Masturbation is a safe way of expressing ones own sexual desires. It leads to no physical or mental problems. The sperms and semen which are formed in the body are meant to come out of the body. They cannot be accumulated in the body and like urine they are formed in the body and are thrown out. They may come out on having sex or during masturbation. If you are indulging in none of these then the sperms and semen will come out at night by self (night fall) or routinely during any sexual stimulation. This is a normal phenomenon and will not cause any harm to you. Masturbation is safe and will cause no harm. It is harmful only when indulged in excessively leading to avoidance of normal work and schedule.
Coming to the fact that you are not having any erection and this is something abnormal. Normally people with erectile dysfunction will still have occasional erection when they watch some erotic material or in early morning when they wake up. But if there is no erection then its possibly due to some organic cause.
The two tests I would like to recommend you are:
1) Serum Testosterone levels
2) Penile doppler study
Testosterone is an essential hormone for maintaining vitality and its low levels will hamper sexuality. Penile doppler is essential for looking at the vascularity of the penis.
These tests will try to rule out if there are any correctable causes for the same. Do consider meeting your doctor and get these tests done.
In case if you have further query, do let me know.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your response. I'll look into those tests.
My concern is still about the accumulation of sperm — wet dreams are extremely infrequent for me and I often feel a need for release. I'd like to avoid masturbation because I am religious, but could there be any medical reason behind not getting wet dreams?

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 3 Days.

Wet dreams are related to the desire. If there is any psychological stress related to sex, the frequency of wet dreams reduce. But the testosterone things have to be first looked at.
Secondly even if there are no wet dreams, the sperm collected will not cause any problem. Most of it would still be passing of in urine or it may be getting released un small amounts not noticeable to you.
If you have concerns about the sperm quantity and quality, do consider getting a semen analysis done. If ots due to religious reasons, then its fine, but otherwise masturbation is quite safe.

Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your response. I'll look into those tests.
My concern is still about the accumulation of sperm — wet dreams are extremely infrequent for me and I often feel a need for release. I'd like to avoid masturbation because I am religious, but could there be any medical reason behind not getting wet dreams?

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