Need to urinate often with pain in pubic area.

Resolved question:
I have these symptoms:

-Need to urinate often even when I just did
-No visible blood in urine
-Very yellow urine
-I feel something like a pop or movement on when I couph
In the space where the top of my thigh and edge of my pubic area meet.
-no mass found in that area
-no weight lose
-low back pain and hip pain
-Dull pain
-constipation with hard and flat stool
-light colored stool
-pain may be present but will disappear for a while
-noises in my gut

-I have a history of kidney stones as recent as sept 2013

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Urologist

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
You should get yourself investigated with urinalysis and ultrasound KUB as a priority.
You can also start yourself on cranberry juice, which will relieve your symptoms.
Regarding the stools, is there any recent change of diet? Can you mention about your diet in brief?
Do you have bloating? Is there a lot of flatulence? Did you ever have any history of constipation earlier prior to this time?

Kindly get back to us with the information. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Dr. Rajiv Goel

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