My left hand is fractured above elbow, I applied plaster. Now, my fingers are swollen.

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Good evening sir/madam, I have here to ask a particular message from my friend whom was in a serious car accident on May 13th, 2013. He immediately sent to the hospital to seek treatments. From the results he broke his left hand. Here is the message that he sent that need a doctor to please give his answers to his questions:"My left hand got fractured little up from elbow.i putted plaster 5 days before now There is slight-swelling of fingers and wrist .What is the cause of it?Is it dangerous? Will this affect hand movement after plaster is removed?"Thank you very much for taking the time to read this message and helping me and my friend to understand his situations.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


The cause for your fingers swelling could be plaster being put very tight.

It's very important that when plasters are put, they should be put in proper position and such that there is blood circulation. I suggest you remove the plaster and allow the blood flow for a while; the swelling will subside by itself in some time. I suggest you follow the following,

  1. Remove the plaster, if you can before removing the plaster take a X-ray to know where the fracture is, this will give an idea how to put the slab.
  2. After you remove the plaster, you will start having tingling sensation in your hand, this indicates the blood flow. Keep your hand in a resting position probably keep a scale against your hand where the fracture is, tie a crape bandage. But make sure not to tie tightly but to tie it loosely but the scale should be in position.
  3. Leave it for a few hours. You will notice the swelling coming down automatically. If you are having pain, try taking Tylenol.
  4. After you feel comfortable, go to a nearby hospital. If a X-ray was taken before itself, give it to the doctor, an above elbow slab will be made and placed.
  5. It would take about 4 -6 weeks for the fracture to heal. I suggest you take calcium tablets on alternate days if you can.

If in case your swelling doesn't come down for a day after removing the plaster I suggest you visit an orthopaedician immediately.

Thank you.

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