Missed metronidazole dosage

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Resolved question:
My OBGYN prescribed Metronidazole (500 mg) tablets for a bacterial infection. I was supposed to take them twice a day for 7 days. I took 2 the first day (sunday 1/12) and then only took 1 a day through today when I realized I was supposed to be taking two a day the whole time. What should I do? Should I start taking the correct dosage now until I finish the prescription? Thanks!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.

You have taken the pills quite incorrectly.
You had to take them twice a day for 7 days, there should be totally 14 tablets consumed.
You took two the first day and then only one, once a day.
So, 2 on the 12th of January, and then one daily till today.
So you should be having around 5 - 6 tablets left, am I correct ?

Please take them twice a day till you have finished all the tablets.

Then the course can be considered as completed.

All the best and take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.

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