Mild cramps in groin without bleeding in pregnancy. MISCARRIAGE?

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I am around 6 weeks pregnant from IVF. I have been having mild cramps of different types which I've gotten used to, but today after I picked up my cat who weighs around 4 kilos I had a mild pinching pain on my right lower side above the groin. It hasn't gone away for hours but is on and off and not accompanied by bleeding. Is it possible that I have caused myself a miscarriage? By the way after 6 HCG checks each value has doubled appropriately roughly every 48 hours and until yesterday reached 11,200. Today was the day I picked up the cat and I planned not to measure HCG anymore as I read it is not the most effective indicator anymore of the health of the pregnancy.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your medical query to
YES, your foot requires immediate medical attention by an ER physician in person.
Mainly because you are uncertain of which insect bit you, the severity cannot be determined or how to manage the situation.
How many hours ago were you bitten?
Have you noticed any other symptoms? Any pain? How fast is the swelling increasing? Any discoloration of your foot? Any discharge from the site where the insect bit you?
You also may need to get a tetanus shot depending on when your last tetanus shot was.
The topical itch will do nothing for you unless we first establish that the insect that bite you was harmless.
Kindly seek medical attention immediately,

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Patient replied :

There are no poisonous insects in Rio whatsoever. It is easy to bring down the swelling with ice. There is no pain, just redness and swelling.
I cannot imagine why I would need a tetanus shot. I am very allergic to drugs like penicillen, so I am not keen on going to a doctor. I would prefer treating this myself.

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