Malabsorption syndrome.

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Resolved question:
Since May, my stool has been abnormal, most notably chock full of what may be undigested food and with a foul, methane smell. It is not triggered by gluten, not triggered by dairy; there appears to be no rhyme or reason to my bowel movements. But the two most important things: 1. I have never had pain once since I noticed these changes. 2. My stool is most notably marked by the (plentiful) addition of round, hard, flat yellow seed-like things that have me thinking parasite; otherwise I have no idea what they could be.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
I would like to have some more information before I can give my informed opinion.

1. Are you constipated?
2. Stool analysis done?
3. Was colonoscopy done?
4. What is your hemoglobin level?

Kindly get back to me with these information and I would be in best position to give my opinion.

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Patient replied :

Hello. I have not yet been to a doctor to get analysis, colonoscopy or hemoglobin levels, so this is why I am contacting you and why I sent you the picture of the seed-like objects in my stool. I am resending it here. Do they look like possible Giardia to you? I am not constipated. If anything my bowel movements are very regular, usually multiple times a day. Thank you.

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 3 Days.

Thanks for providing the information I asked for.
No, this does not look like Giardia.
I would advise you to get a stool test done and if needed a colonsocopy.
Take high fiber diet and fiber supplements (metamucil) and see if there is some change in the stool.
From the picture you have sent, it looks more like stool only (though to some extent it looks like undigested corn also).
Kindly get back to me after a few days of taking fiber supplements and drinking lot of fluids and of course with the stool test report.

Let me know if I can assist you further.

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