Lumpy painful swelling in throat and harder to swallow.

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What's wrong with my throat? It was sore when I woke up this morning and it feels swollen on the inside like it's narrower on the's harder to swallow and feels like there's a lump or something stuck...I had my tonsils out 12 years old patientago and I've had a million throat infections...the thing that concerns me most is the small lump on the side of my throat and now something on the other side that almost looks like a tonsil with a white streak or something on it...I had an infection last fall which is when I first noticed the small bump and since then I've had sore throats that come and go but only last a day or two, sometimes the pain is just on one side and I've usually had the lumpy swelling feeling with it

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at

I understand your concern.
I have gone through your pictures and the lump you are referring to is a swollen lymph band of the throat (pharynx). It is nothing to worry about. A similar but smaller band is seen on the other side as well. Normally, the throat has a collection of lymphoid tissue just under the mucosal lining. In repeated infection or inflammation of the throat, they become enlarged and may remain so.

Since you have recurrent sore throats, lasting for only for a day or two, the cause is likely to be allergic pharyngitis (inflammation of throat).
You can take an OTC anti-histamine like Cetirizine 10 mg (Zyrtec), once in the night, for 3 days from now. Also perform warm saline gargles about 3-4 times everyday.
If pain is unbearable, you can take one OTC Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin).
This should provide you relief.

If in case symptoms persist after 3 days, you can consult an ENT specialist for further management.

I hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask queries.


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Patient replied :

I have actually been taking zyrtec daily for maybe a week or so now because I was having extremely itchy there anything else that could be causing this? I experience nasal congestion most of the time and usually have to blow my nose and usually cough up this mucus daily so I assume I must have a post-nasal drip if I'm always bringing up this gross stuff from my throat...I have been to my doctor about the nasal congestion and he had me try montelukast and desloratadine but neither seemed to make much difference...could this be causing it or be related and if so is there anything else I can do?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Hello. Thank you for posting the follow up.
Yes post-nasal drip is a constant irritant, which can be a potential source of mucus in the throat that can be coughed up. Also if there is recurrent post nasal drip, it makes the throat more susceptible to infections. Since you have already tried Zyrtec, and it is not settling down i will advise you the following antibiotic because it points towards a super added bacterial infection.
1) Tab. Levofloxacin 500 mg twice daily for the next 5-7 days. This will take care of your infection, and also reduce the swelling.
2) Continue the warm water saline gargling. At least 3-4 times daily.
3) Meanwhile continue the Zyrtec till your symptoms subside.
Since you have persistent post-nasal drip, i will advise you a follow up with ENT specialist after getting an X-RAY of the PNS ( Para Nasal Sinuses ), because at times without any sinus symptoms, they can be chronically congested, causing recurrent nasal blocks and post nasal drip. Even the possibility of DNS ( Deviated Nasal Septum ) has to be ruled out.
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

Thank you so much! I will definitely be going to my doctor about this. I truly appreciate your time and advice. I especially appreciate that you took the time to clearly explain this, I don't seem to get that with my own doctors and usually end up leaving with more confusion and questions. So thank you, I appreciate this more than you know!

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Hello. Thank you for your appreciation.
Hope you get better soon.
Kindly update me after 3 days.

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