Lump in knee without pain, MRI. OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS?

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I recently went to a doctor because I have a strange lump in my knee.
It never caused me any problems, but after a year I thought I should go just in case.
For the year I had the lump, I experienced no pain or even the slightest discomfort.
The lump appeared one day in my knee. I sat down in an odd way and a sharp pain ran through my knee. The pain did not go away the whole day, so I eventually pushed really hard on the back of my knee and something popped out and floated to the top of my knee from the bottom. I have had a hard lump ever since. When I went to a doctor, I got an X-ray. He confirmed that it was a piece of bone, and he believed it fell off from the bottom of my bone. He thought there was a chance it was osteochondritis dissecans. I went to get an MRI two days ago, and I have the images, however my doctor has not called me back. I would like to know if I have osteochondritis dissecans, or if it is something else. I would also like to know what I should do and if I should be worried. I am a sixteen year old female who runs track all year round. Thanks very much. Attached is one image from my MRI that has me a little worried.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I have read your question with diligence.Your history is showing that you are having osteochondritis with formation of loose body in joint.This loose body may be a reason for chronic damage to your joint.In my opinion you should consult your orthopedic doctor & should have removed this loose body arthroscopy or key hole surgery.This loose body may damage & lock your joint unnecessarily.
Hope this will help you.
With best wishes.

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Patient replied :

How long would the surgery take? Am I still able to run because there is no pain when I run?

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 3 Days.

Surgery may take half hour to one hour depending on expertise of surgeon.
Yes you may still run after your recovery but your treating surgeon will be best person to answer this.
With best wishes.

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Patient replied :

Sorry last question, how long would recovery from surgery take and what would the surgery be like?

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 2 Days.

It may take about 6-8weeks in recovery.Surgery should be arthroscopic or key hole Surgery and other thing depend on expertise of surgeon.

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