Local anal irritation

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Resolved question:
About 5 days ago I decided to pleasure myself anally with a lubricated carrot having never had anal intercourse. The carrot was about 1/2 inch thick and it went in about 3-4 inches. There was no pain. No part of the carrot is stuck in there.

A few days after and the area around my anus has become sore and irritated (it feels as if it is the skin around the anus which is inflamed but I'm not sure as it is hard to see). There is no pain on defecation and no blood in the stool. I often feel I need to go to the toilet when I don't (it feels 'full').

In addition, at the end of the day (at work) I get a dull ache in my tailbone.

Do you know what this might be?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

I have gone through your query and will try my best to help you here.

As I understand you have irritation and soreness around the anal region with with feeling to go to toilet often , but no discharge, no significant pain. You are basically having a local irritation/reaction (abrasive tissue injury) from the user of carrot in the anus. And you DO NOT have any warning signs as of now. So there is nothing to be worried at this stage and we can expect this to health without any complications in few days.

I have the following recommendations.

1. You can apply Preparation H® Anti-Itch Cream Hydrocortisone 1% - for 3 days twice a day. (Not more that that). This is required only if the irritation is troubling you.

2. Take a high fibre diet. (This is very important )

3. Do no strain in the toilet.

4. Have fixed time to defecate. (only once or maximum twice a day)

The tail bone pain is unrelated. It should resolve by its own in few days.

I will keep this consult open so that you can get back to me if there is persistent or new symptoms.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followup questions / clarifications.
Thank you
Dr.DS Sebastian

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