List of common STIs affecting both men and women along with their symptoms

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hi, I have read in newspaper recently that the incidences of sexually transmitted infections are constantly on a rise. Can you please guide me over the list of STIs along with their distinguishing symptoms?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your query.

It is true that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on rise these days since past few years. They are also known as sexually transmitted diseases or venereal diseases. Some of the most common infection affecting both men and women are gonorrhea, genital herpes, Chlamydia, hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis.

The various symptoms of gonorrhea are greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge, swelling of the genital region, burning sensation during urination.

The various symptoms related with genital herpes include red, inflamed blisters around the oral and genital region along with ulcers which are extremely painful and contagious.

Chlamydia, another sexually transmitted infection causes symptoms like abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge and painful urination.

Syphilis causes symptoms like skin rashes on nose, mouth and vagina along with headache, fever and hair loss. It also causes eyesight, deafness and heart problems when infection takes more serious form.

The various symptoms of HIV are headache, fever, sore throat, extreme fatigue, chills, chronic diarrhea and night sweats.

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