Left labia is swollen and itchy with white discharge

Resolved question:

left labia is swollen and itchy been like that for 2 years also got thin white non smelling discharge,no soft/hard lumps,no pain and stinging during peeing,no pain at all...tried thrush treatments,cotton underwear,no underwear at night,no soaps,its not and std never slept with no one

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

The symptom described by you is probably suggestive of a yeast infection. A fungus known as Candida albicans causes it. This is the most common type of vaginal infections. It usually presents with intense itching, red spots on the vagina and a thick curdy white discharge. The itching in your case may have reduced because you applied yogurt but the cause is unknown. I would suggest you to get culture and sensitivity of the discharge and you can start using anti fungal medication like Candid A cream which can applied to the vagina twice a day for a week. During this period, avoid sex and use a mild soap while taking shower and use loose clothing. If the condition doesn't improve, then you can consult your obg-gyn doctor

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