Jowls, flatter cheeks after ULTHERAPHY. MINI FACE LIFT?

Resolved question:
Hello! I am a 36 year old female. I had ultherapy done 1.5 months ago for preventative purposes. I was just starting to notice the beginning of jowls. I've noticed after the procedure my jowls are worse and my cheeks are has gotten flatter. My skin looked much more firm and youthful before hand. What are my options at this point. Am I a good candidate got a mini face lift, if thngs don't improve in a few months?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at
I understand your concern
Thread lift will be a very good option in your case. It will help in the correction of the jowls that you are beginning to get.

Alternatively, You can also opt for a filler in the cheek to make them look more voluminous.

Please let me know if you have any queries

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Patient replied :

My skin is pretty tight. Do you think my jowls could be a reaction to fat loss? I had a miscarriage last year and that is when I noticed the changes in my face. I know for a fact I have hollowing in the forehead and under eyes. Is it possible I lost volume in the buccal area? If that is the case, might be why I have the appearance of jowls, because the volume is not holding that part of my face up. Anyway, I am just trying to figure this thing out. My face is also starting to take on a masculine appearance. I have attached a photo. Please tell me what you think. Thank you!

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


I can understand your concern.

I reviewed your picture again however I feel that you are just beginning to get jowls and the hollows below your eyes and forehead too are not very deep.

The loss of volume in the buccal area could be due to fast loss.

To refill the areas you desire the best option is doing a filler or a thread lift for an overall uplifting of the skin.

Fillers have the advantage of treating localized areas that have lost the volume.

Your dermatologist will be able to assist you in subtly changing the nuances of your face.

Take care

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