Itchy blister on leg without pain. POISON IVY?

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I developed a blister on my inside of my leg 3-4 hours after walking in the woods in Canada last Saturday. It itched a bit at first and I thought it might be poison ivy. It doesn't itch anymore... and it doesn't hurt.... but it is still growing. I drew a line around it yesterday and can tell it's radius has increased a couple of millimeters overnight. Should I pop it? Should I go to a clinic? There was a smaller blister on the other leg in the same spot but that has mostly cleared up now.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to us.

Looks like you got this blister due to some insect bite or contact to some irritant plant. As the blister is big, you should aspirate the fluid by using a sterile needle. You may use a sterile insulin syringe for the same. Do not deoof the blister ie the overlying skin should remain intact. If itching is there use an antiallergic like tablet levocetirizine 5mg twice in a day. To help the area heal apply an antibiotic cream like mupirocin cream twice in a day. Hopefully in three to five days, scab will form that will heal in a week.
Feel free to discuss further,
Hope this helped.
Take care

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Patient replied :

I'm a bit reluctant to poke my skin with a needle - have done that before and actually ended up with a serious infection. Will this blister eventually release/reabsorb the liquid and heal up on it's own, or will it remain until some intervention (like popping it) is done? It's been going strong for almost a week now, with no sign of changing. It seems like too easy of a procedure to go to a doctor for, but I'm a little nervous about it.

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 3 Days.

Thanks for writing back.
Aspiration of fluid or drainage of fluid from blister would help in faster resolution. Infection can only occur if needle used was not sterilised/ sterile surgical gloves were not worn/ surounding skin was not cleaned with spirit or savlon. Ideally the aspiration should be done by a health care professional( doctor or nurse).If you cant get it done, try warm water compresses twice to thricr in a day followed by antibiotic cream application. This too would help in drainage of blister and resolution.
Having said this, if a patient comes to me with such lesion, I would aspirate the blister and suggest antibacterial medicine application for faster heal and immediate pain relief.
Hope this helped.
Take care

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