Resolved question:
Hello doctor, three weeks ago me and my wife had unprotected sex and sheunderwent her regular annual checkups just a week before. She suspected some really serious yeast infection in her but that turned out to be Trichomoniasis. So we both have been currently prescribed Flagyl to be used three times a day for seven to ten days. I need to ask that can we both have sex, still with each other even though our treatment is in progress. Does the treatment allow us to have oral sex or otherwise sex without using condom? Thus it carries any risk of vd?
4 Days
I thank you for asking your question. Sorry to hear that you both caught this infection, but be sure it can be cured and you both can get back to normal life. Answering your question, firstly, I would not suggest you both to have sex unless your treatment in complete and you both are diagnosed negative for this infection. As well as avoid sex with new partners in order to reduce chances of spreading it. Also restrain yourself from practicing oral or anal sex as well. I would suggest you to first let you treatment be done, as it takes time to treat this infection as it has chances of re-occurring. Ones your treatment is over and you are declared infection free by the doctors; still you need to practice safe sex that is use condoms to avoid any risk of vd or sexually transmitted diseases as well. I wish you both prompt recoveries. Take care and Good wishes.