Resolved question:
Hi, I'm a 23-year-old female. I have been regularly taking birth control now for over 2 years and I take the pills every day. Is it at all possible to become pregnant while on Birth Control? And is it possible to still be getting regular periods on birth control and still be pregnant? It has been about 2 months now that I've noticed my breasts are sore more often and my lower back aches more. I know those are 2 symptoms of early pregnancy but I wanted to know if I could actually be pregnant or if something else were causing these symptoms.
4 Days
Hello, you have been on birth control pill for the last 2 years or so continuously and have not missed the pill, but you are experiencing lower backache and sore breasts. Well, there are many methods of birth control; among them is the "pill". Women take the pill by month to prevent pregnancy and if it is taken correctly, it is 99.9% effective. It does not protect STD's including HIV. Hormones in the women's body control the release of the egg from the ovary (ovulation) and prepare to accept the fertilized egg. These hormonal contraceptives inhibit the body's natural cyclical hormones to prevent pregnancy. Pregnancy is prevented by a combination of factors. They do change the cervical mucus or by making the lining of the womb inhospitable for implantation and also stops the body from ovulating. There are two types of tests to determine pregnancy:
a) Urine tests: here since HCG is also seen in urine, a convenient method is known as Home pregnancy test can be done where the urine sample can detect the levels of HCG and confirm the pregnancy. However sometimes there is a small percentage of false negative where it is seen in three conditions:
a)You have tested 6-7 days after ovulation using a home kit. In such a case, the test appears negative, as there is not enough HCG in the urine.
b)Urine is diluted as the patient as had a lot of water, so the test appears negative.
c)Sensitivity of the test is low as seen in home kits.
The other available test is the blood test where HCG levels are measured in the blood and is more accurate than the urine test and can detect much earlier than the urine test.
The clear, odorless liquid that you have described is vaginal discharge. During certain conditions such as pregnancy, infections they increase in quantity. I would suggest you to wait till your next periods and if it still doesn't occur you can get these reports and consult your obg-gyn doctor. Thank you.