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Hi Doc,

My wife (age 33) is pregnant 7th month running (30 weeks). This is her second pregnancy and she had a cesarean for the first child (Now 4 years old patientand healthy). My doctor suggested her to undergo a blood test to check the hemoglobin count in her blood and found that the count is 8.6. The blood sugar and urine are all normal. My wife is not taking any iron tablets and has been eating leafy vegetables and other iron rich food. She is also regular on the orange juice now.

The doctor has recommended Intravenous iron sucrose therapy (200 mg in 100 ml of ns over 30 minutes) once in 4 days to total of 4 times (i.e. 4 times in 2 weeks).

My questions are -

1. Is it absolutely necessary to have this therapy done?

2. Are there any long term side-effects of this therapy to either mother or the child?

3. What can happen if the low hemoglobin levels are not treated in time?

4. How can this therapy be beneficial in long term?

Thanks for your answers.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
Let me answer your queries one by one in the order in which you have posted them -
1. Yes, in my opinion, you should have the iron therapy.
2. There are no long term side effects either to mother or child, only benefits.
3. If anemia is not treated in time, it can lead to various risks. During pregnancy, the mother can experience fatigue, breathlessness, swelling in feet, heart issues and other complications. The baby can suffer growth issues also. During labour, there can be again more blood loss leading to heart failure, breathlessness or lung edema to the mother. Post delivery, she can have failed lactation, low energy, mood swings, palpitations etc. Anemia should always be treated.
4. Yes, in the long run, this therapy will prove beneficial for your wife and your baby as both will be healthy and non anemic.
So please go ahead with the therapy as advised.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further,

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