Intestinal discomfort, blood in stool, attached medical records.

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I'm white male 62 years of age and consider myself in good health. I recently had a cat scan that was prescribed due to pretty intense intestinal discomfort and blood in my stool that experienced over a two day period. The abdominal pain subsided shortly after the first symptoms showed up. For a short period time i was pretty uncomfortable (25 minutes). The blood in the stool was noticeable for 2 days and that caused me some concern and I ended up going to the emergency room for an examination and treatment. Which ended up leading to my apparent need for a cat scan. I have a preexisting - congenital kidney disorder called polycystic kidney disease (multiple cysts on both kidneys), my liver is all loaded with cysts (apparently benign). My kidney function levels are stable and at this time they are just 5 -10% below the norm for a guy my age. I also have hypothyroidism, the condition is managed quite easily and with no adverse side effects by my taking a daily dose of synthroid .75 mcg. At the moment I'm feeling fine. The results of the cat scan were inconclusive, however the radiologist on staff at the UMass Medical Center noticed that I have an aneurysm on my portal vein. Evidently it's not at a point that warrants a surgical procedure to correct the situation. But does warrant routine monitoring. I'm a bit concerned about the aneurysm in conjunction with the other medical issues that are present and would like a second opinion... I will attach my recent medical records for you review, evaluation and comments. Thank you very much in advance for your time and professional opinon.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dentist

Expert:  Dr. Girish P.V replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at

If root canal really necessary the procedure should be carried out by an endodontic specialist (root canal specialist).
Any root canal if properly done can neber cause pain.
Having said that, if associated tooth gets infected in future (sometimes in chronic long standing cases or in teeth with history if physical trauma, diabetes etc) sometimes the root canal treated tooth can still cause pain because of infection in surrounding bone, tissues.
Putting a crown or not is not related to pain.. as such it prevents tooth fracture in long run.

Dr.Girish PV

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