Infected in-grown hair follicle.

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Resolved question:
Is there any over the counter medication to fix really bad ingrown hairs from waxing?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring wth your query.
There is no over the counter medication to fix ingrown hairs, unless your fair follicle has got infected.

Ingrown hairs usually have curled and grown back into your skin and there is no way of treating it.
They aren't serious but I understand they can be irritating and embarrassing.

If the hair follicle gets infected as a result of the ingrown hair, you will require to treat it. Applying and antibiotic ointment like Bactroban (mupirocin) or OTC Betadine ointment (Povidone - Iodine) will help. If the infection is severe the skin specialist may have to make a small incision and remove the hair follicle. If swelling and redness are present you may require a course of antibiotic.

There is no way to treat ingrown hairs as such. You can use an exfoliating scrub , to get out the ingrown hairs.

I hope this has helped.
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