Resolved question:
Hello doctor, Can anyone be infected with sexually transmitted diseases without having an intercourse? Also, tell me about herpes. I recently saw some pics of herpes and hence wanted to know more?
4 Days
Thank you for your query. I would certainly help you with that. There are two different questions. Let me answer the first question for you. Sexually transmitted diseases are those diseases which are spread when two people have intercourse or sex. This sex can be oral sex, anal sex or vaginal sex. There is no other way how these diseases can be spread. I assure that you will not be affected by any of the sexually transmitted diseases if you use any public toilet, or you wear clothes of people affected by such diseases, or you use public washing booths. They do not affect people even if they kiss. Hence, you should be rest assured that you will not be affected by STD if you are doing any of the above mentioned things. Coming to your second question which says about herpes; it is a sexually infectious disease which is spread from one sexual partner to another. As you have seen the pics of herpes you must have got an idea about the symptoms of this disease. In this, what happens is that the infected person develops ulcers or pumps on the genital parts. This disease can be affected to both male and females. People who suffer from such diseases suffer a lot of pain and are advised not to indulge in any sexual relation with any other person. There is no cure available for this disease as of now. Medication might prove helpful in minimizing the effects and pain of this disease. You must have got very disturbed after seeing the pics of herpes. It is highly infectious disease and millions of people in western countries are suffering from it. God Bless.